Our intent here is to provide news, perspectives on current events, and thought-provoking questions, primarily through the lens of the Sweet Medicine Sundance path. Sometimes we will have guest writers who don't necessarily reflect the stance of DTMMS; sometimes we will bring in perspectives from other spiritual traditions. We intend that it will always be stimulating.
Our mission is to fight against ignorance, slavery, bigotry, racism, war, dogma and superstition using the Wheels and Keys of the Sweet Medicine SunDance Path to seed the future generations with Beauty, Power, Knowledge and Freedom.
We do hope this blog will generate discussion, so please comment on blog entries. All of our authors check back periodically. We look forward to engaging in (polite) conversation with you.
Please also visit our more formal blog, with announcements, events, and information about our programs: http://dtmms.wordpress.com.